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2021… Get Fit, Stay Healthy!

Happy new year everyone! 🥳

Here we are, welcoming in 2021 in a way I am sure none of us thought we would! After what has been a particularly challenging year for many of us, I would like to wish you all a very healthy, happy, and successful year ahead. 🙌

I would love for this to be your fittest, healthiest year yet… I also know that with everything going on, it might feel harder than ever to achieve your fitness goals: COVID restrictions, limited access to equipment/environment/know-how, even the weather! However, it may also never have been so important to focus on your health.

FEAR NOT! 🦸‍♀️ Help is at hand…

How can Personal Training help me? 

  • Motivation – to get started, to exercise, to progress, to stick to it (and maybe even learn to love it😉)
  • Commitment – pre-booking sessions & having an actual appointment to train, can make all the difference to those of you who find themselves struggling to keep up the good habits!
  • Expertise – what to do, how to do it, safely, effectively, with a professional
  • It’s Personal – that means each session is tailored to your needs, your abilities, and your goals, with you in mind all the way. There is no one-size-fits-all with exercise. It’s like the difference between a dress/suit off the rails & a tailor made one…
  • Flexible to suit your needs – With early, lunchtime, after work & weekend sessions available, it is easy to find a time that suits you. 30 minute & 60 minute sessions. Single or pair sessions. Online, outdoors & studio sessions. There is an option to suit everyone. 💪

Whether you are new to fitness, looking to try something new, struggling with motivation or knowledge, looking to reach a fitness goal, or in need of some exercise options with all of the current restrictions(!) Personal training is an investment in yourself, your health & your future you.🏋️‍♀️

Get in touch now for more information.🤳


Stay safe!

Tess x